Saturday 18 August 2012



Spinal curvature; Infantile scoliosis; Juvenile scoliosis
Scoliosis is an abnormal curving of the spine. Your spine is your backbone. It runs straight 
down your back. Everyone’s spine naturally curves a tiny bit. But people with scoliosis 
have a spine that curves too much. The spine might look like the letter “C” or “S.”

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

Most of the time, the cause of scoliosis is unknown. This is called idiopathic scoliosis. It is 
the most common type. It is grouped by age.
  • In children age 3 and younger, it is called infantile scoliosis.
  • In kids age 4 - 10, it is called juvenile scoliosis.
  • In older kids age 11 - 18, it is called adolescent scoliosis.

Scoliosis most often affects girls. Some people are just more likely to have curving of the 
spine. Curving generally gets worse during a growth spurt.

Other types of scoliosis are:
  • Congenital scoliosis: This type of scoliosis is present at birth. It occurs when the 
    baby’s ribs or spine bones do not form properly.
  • Neuromuscular scoliosis: This type is caused by a nervous system problem that
    affects your muscles, such as cerebral palsymuscular dystrophy, spina bifida, and 


Usually there are no symptoms. But symptoms can include:
  • Backache or low-back pain
  • Tired feeling in the spine after sitting or standing for a long time
  • Uneven hips or shoulders (one shoulder may be higher than the other)
  • Spine curves more to one side
Kyphoscoliosis is another type of abnormal curving of the spine.

Signs and tests

The health care provider will perform a physical exam. You will be asked to bend forward.
This makes your spine easier to see. It may be hard to see changes in the early stages of 
 The exam may show:
  • One shoulder is higher than the other
  • The pelvis is tilted

X-rays of the spine are done. It is important to have x-rays, because the actual curving of
the spine may be worse than what your doctor can see during an exam.
Other tests may include:
  • Spinal curve measurement (scoliometer screening)
  • MRI of the spine


Treatment depends on many things:
  • The cause of scoliosis
  • Where the curve is in your spine
  • How big the curve is
  • If your body is still growing

Most people with idiopathic scoliosis do not need treatment. However, you should be 
checked by a doctor about every 6 months.
If you are still growing, your doctor might recommend a back brace. A back brace prevents
 further curving. There are many different types of braces. What kind you get depends on 
the size and location of your curve. Your health care provider will pick the best one for 
you and show you how to use it. Back braces can be adjusted as you grow.
Back braces work best in people over age 10. Braces do not work for those with congenital
or neuromuscular scoliosis. 

Sometimes, surgery is needed.
  • Scoliosis surgery involves correcting the curve as much as possible.
  • The spine bones are held in place with one or two metal rods, which are held 
    down with hooks and screws until the bone heals together.
  • Surgery may be done with a cut through the back, belly area, or beneath the ribs.

After surgery, you may need to wear a brace for a little while to keep the spine still.
You may need surgery if the spine curve is severe or getting worse very quickly. The 
surgeon may want to wait until all your bones stop growing, but this isn’t always possible.

Scoliosis treatment may also include:
  • Emotional support. Some kids, especially teens, may be self-conscious when using a 
    back brace
  • Physical therapy and other specialists to help explain the treatments and make sure 
    the brace fits correctly.

Expectations (prognosis)

How well you do depends on the type, cause, and severity of the curve. The more severe 
the curving, the more likely it will get worse after you stop growing.
People with mild scoliosis do very well with braces. They usually do not have long-term 
problems. However, scoliosis can make you more likely to have back pain when you get 
The outlook for those with neuromuscular or congenital scoliosis varies. Patients with 
neuromuscular scoliosis have another serious disorder (like cerebral palsy or muscular 
dystrophy) so their goals are much different. Often the goal of surgery is simply to allow a 
child to be able to sit upright in a wheelchair.
Congenital scoliosis is difficult to treat and usually requires many surgeries.


Complications of scoliosis can include:
  • Breathing problems (in severe scoliosis)
  • Low back pain
  • Lower self-esteem
  • Persistent pain if there is wear and tear of the spine bones
  • Spinal infection after surgery
  • Spine or nerve damage from an uncorrected curve or spinal surgery


Routine scoliosis screening is now done in middle and junior high schools.
Screening has helped detect early scoliosis in many kids.

thanks sudi bace..sila tinggalkan jejak anda =)

my injurED " SCOLIOSIS "

hye sume and g00d evening :-D *alamak dh mcm cikgu pulak*
s0..camne sambut hari-hari terakhir puasa? sedih kan...bulan mulia yg dnanti2kan..
dah nak tamat..insyaallah..kalau diizinkan ALLAH..kite sambut tahun hadapan pulak.
then..persiapan raya korunk sume camne? mesti dh 100% siap kan..
*eleh..mane kau taw que!*

orait..hari nie que nk share information & knowledge dgn korunk..
tentang 1 kecederaan or penyakit yang que alami sendiri :)
*que nie ade penyakit pe plak la kan..huhu*
sebnanye ianya di panggil lebih kepada kecederaan..

ok..hari tue 16.ogos.2012..que g jmpe doktor ortopodik..
sebab que sakit tulang belakang...effect dari que jatuh time mandi sungai...
que jatuh lame dh thun 2010..first x-ray jus tisu otot yang koyak...
but...smpai skunk que still skit belakang tue yg jmpe pakar terus...

then..x-ray 4 the second time...doktor ckap tulang belakang que lari sikit...
dah senget..mcm bentu"S".. *haha..tula leka lagi time mndi sungai*
kecederaan yg que alami nie name dye SCOLIOSIS...
dlm bhasa melayu nya "kelengkungan tulang belakang"

urm..agak sh0ck..haha but..its ok..perkara biasa....
que dinasihatkan utk menjalani rawatan fisioterapi...utk cempat sembuh...
then..ade kemungkinan que kne wat ujian MRI kal0 rawatan fisioterapi x berkesan...
lepas jmpe pakar..que terus wat temu janji rawatan fisioterapi kat hospital tanjung rambutan..
*aik..que giler k g sane? haha*

jangan terkejut erk..que wat kat sane sbb dekat dgn rumah que yg terletak d ULU KINTA..
s0..ingt dtg nk wat temu janji..alih2..que dberi rawatan terus..hehe
ade 3 senaman yg que kne wat..nmpk senang..sbnanye susah..
lepas nie..hari2 la kne g wat fisioterapi...

wish me luck ye guys.. :)

thanks sudi bace..sila tinggalkan jejak anda =)

Wednesday 8 August 2012

munculkan DIRI

hye blogger2 sume..tak lupa jgk hye poppies diary...akhirnya..setelah beberapa lama mghilangkan diri..
que kembali munculkan diri que..hahahaaha..
que minta maaf kt sume sbb lama tak aktif tulis blog...que sbnanye bz...
maklum la..sibuk ngn persiapan sambut raya!
poyokkksss! :)

s0..macam puasa? ok k? harap2 sumenye ok jew...
then...cmne ngn persiapan raya> que dh settle kn 100% tuk raya..
haha..tue bwu bab utk diri sendiri...kehkeh2..
geddikkss s0ngg0h!

utk persiapan dari segi rumah plak....hehe
rumah tak siap kemas lagi..langsir p0n x tukar lagi..tingkap p0n x basuh lagi..
sekarang nie ngah bz wat kuih raya..yah00!
alamak! cm tak caya pul0k que wat kuih raya!

bet0l la! que wat sendiri tahun nie..bersama mum tercinta.. :)
abah que sungguh wat..que kn skunk nie duk umah jew..
tak wat apa..s0..abah suh wat kuih raya..nnt abah bg wet raye!
yeay2 dapat wet raya!

skunk nie bawu siap 2 jenis kuih raya..
hehe..lepas sahur jew terus wat...kehkeh

nie la hasilnya :)
yang atas tue kuih mak dara...
yang bawah tue kuih nestum vanila...

s0..h0w..?? agak2 leh jadi chef x??
jangan perasan la que!
tc dears..see u again.. :)

thanks sudi bace..sila tinggalkan jejak anda =)